Map of Spain

Kingdom of Spain map online

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This map of the Kingdom of Spain, Spain for short, is a very good option to help you understand what the country of Spain looks like and its geographical location. The map highlights the capital Madrid, other major cities: Valencia, Malaga, Seville. The highest point is the Teide, the surrounding countries of Portugal, France, Andorra, Britain, Morocco, as well as large bodies of water, including the Tagus River and Lake Sanabria.

Kingdom of Spain

Map of the Kingdom of Spain with administrative borders and neighboring states

Statistical data

Country name: Spain

  • Area: 504,788 sq. km
  • Population: 39.2 million (growth rate: 0.2%)
  • Capital: Madrid (Population: 2,984,576)
  • Race: Spanish (Catalans and Basques have strong hallmarks of uniqueness).
  • Language: Castilian Spanish (as well as Catalan, Galician, Basque, etc.)
  • Religion: 99% Roman Catholic
  • Stagnation: Constitutional monarchy
Kingdom of Spain

Spain location on world map

Spain is the most diverse country in Europe when viewed geographically. More than half of the Iberian Peninsula is occupied by mesetas, a flat plateau. The main rivers include the Ebro, Duero, Tajo (Tagus), Guadiana, Guadalquivir and others. The Ebro flows into the Mediterranean Sea, and the rest into the Atlantic Ocean.

Spain is a European country, the only country that has land borders with the countries of Central Africa.

Ceuta and Melilla – Spanish territories on the African continent