Map Area Calculator – Measure Land Areas with Precision

Calculate the area and perimeter of any land plot, field, or property using our free interactive map tool. Perfect for real estate, agriculture, construction planning, and land surveying.

Coordinates: 0.00000, 0.00000
Area: 0 m² | 0 ha | 0 km² | 0 sq mi | 0 sq ft | 0 acres
Perimeter: 0 m | 0 km

How to Use the Map Area Calculator

  1. To find a location, enter an address in the search field and click "Search" or press Enter.
  2. To create an area, click on the map to add polygon points (minimum 3 points to calculate area).
  3. You can drag points to adjust the shape of the polygon.
  4. Area and perimeter will update automatically after each added or moved point.
  5. Use the "Remove Last Point" button to delete the last added point.
  6. Use the "Clear All" button to remove all points and start over.
  7. Change map layers (satellite, map, etc.) using the layer control in the top right corner.
  8. Click "Print Map" to get a printable version of your measurement.
  9. Click "Download Map" to save your measurement as an image.
  10. Click "Embed Map" to get code for embedding this map on another website.

Accurate Land Area Measurement Made Simple

Our Map Area Calculator provides a powerful yet easy-to-use solution for measuring land area on interactive maps. Whether you're a farmer calculating field size, a real estate professional determining property dimensions, or a construction planner measuring project scope, this tool offers precision and convenience.

Features of Our Map Area Calculator

  • Multiple Unit Conversions: View measurements in square meters, hectares, square kilometers, square miles, square feet, and acres
  • Perimeter Calculation: Measure boundary lengths in meters and kilometers
  • Draggable Points: Fine-tune your measurement by adjusting polygon vertices
  • Multiple Map Layers: Switch between satellite imagery, street maps, and topographic views
  • Location Search: Find specific addresses or coordinates quickly
  • Real-time Updates: See measurements change instantly as you modify the area
  • Export Options: Print, download, or embed your measurements

Applications of Land Area Calculation

Accurate land measurement is essential for various industries and activities:

  • Real Estate: Determine property size for listings and valuation
  • Agriculture: Calculate field sizes for planting, irrigation, and yield estimates
  • Construction: Measure plot dimensions for building planning
  • Landscaping: Determine areas for material requirements like sod, mulch, or gravel
  • Land Surveying: Quickly estimate parcel sizes before formal surveys
  • Urban Planning: Measure zones, green spaces, and development areas

Our free map area calculator tool provides a simple solution for all these applications, helping you make informed decisions based on accurate spatial measurements.